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CN C44-9W #2650 "Teardrop"

This is a Kato C44-9W shell and chassis with a Kaslo "Teardrop" cab added to match photos of this CN unit, #2650, taken in Montreal, PQ. 

 Modifications to the unit include re-arrangement of the amount and placement of shock absorpers on the Hi-Ad trucks, addition of the oil retention tank to the af-portion of the brakeman's side of the fuel tank, and modifying the mounting straps for the air tanks on the engineer's side, to represent an "underslung" arrangement.

A miniatures by Eric horn and antennae decorate the roof of the unit. Cannon and Co. fuel tank fittings with custom-made brackets adorn both sides of the fuel tank.   A custom-made rear pilot was fashioned from styrene stock, using a mill file.  
Kaslo anticlimbers and ditch lights adorn each end of this unit. Hand-formed coupler cut bars were secured to the pilot faces with Details Associates brackets.  The speed recorder is a beautiful item produced by Details West in white metal.  The cable is single-stranded wire, cut to length.
Last, (but not least,) A-Line windshield wipers were installed after the unit was painted with Trueline Trains Acrylic water-based paints.  Decals are by Microscale.

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