This unit is built from a Kaslo kit, riding on a Life-Like/Proto 2000 SD60 drive.
Once again, the Kaslo kit came with virtually everything needed to complete the unit. I opted for Details West plough. MU hoses and trainline hoses are Detail Associates items. Smokey Valley supplied the stanchions. This time, however, I used the stainless steel etched wipers and I'm most pleased with their fidelity.
Sadly, CN has sidelined the SD50F and it appears that the SD60Fs days are coming to a close. Personally, I associate these cowl units with "modern" Canadian railroading, and I will be sad to see them gone.
The Kaslo kit comes with etched window frames. This allows for excellent detail and flush-mounted windows. Did I mention the kits come with pre-cut clear acetate for the windows? They do!
I opted to use Train Station Products Q-fans, and Miniatures by Eric 3-chime horn. Gotta love CNR's paint job- It only looks tattered when the red/orange fades or chips.
For a time, (1984-1989,) CNR bought "Draper Taper" wide-cowl units exclusively. They acquired SD50Fs, SD60Fs, Bombardier HR616s and GE C40-8ms. The crew's complaints about poor sight-lines is the likely reason the Draper was phased out with the order for the SD70i and C44-9WL.
How much would you charge to do one of these for me?