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CNR GP9rm # 7052 and #4121

This unit is built from a CMLW/Kaslo resin shell, sitting on Life-Like/Proto2000 GP9 drive.  The shell kit comes with all the detail parts, (both resin and etched steel,) and options to build any 36" fan variant of the Pte. St. Charles-rebuilt GP9RM, of which CNR rosters dozens.

I opted to add Details West 
ploughs, MU hoses, Cal-Scale trainline hose and Details Associates MU stands.  A-Line wipers are a must if you want the scale model to appear "bulky" as it does in real life.  Although the Kaslo kit comes with a complete set of etched-bronze stanchions, I opted to use Smokey Valley stanchions instead.  Note the coupler cut bar and bracket- both etched details that came with the kit.  Beautiful.

Kaslo also produces the correct sized and shaped fuel tank for the CNR-rebuilt units, which comes with the sight glass.  The air tanks are from the stock chassis.  The air tank air trap system was scratchbuilt out of single-stranded wire, brass and plastic stock.  

The second unit, #4121, has some minor detail variations.  Of course, it also has a vastly different paint scheme.  The zebra stripes denote this GP9RM as a road unit.  The noodle is used on yard units. The major detail variation on this unit would be the 48" cooling fans, as opposed to the 36" fan found on #7052.  Minor variances include different ditchlights, (courtesy of Miniatures by Eric.)

This unit was painted and weathered to match #4121 as it was seen this past February in Ste. Hyacinthe, PQ.  Time hasn't treated it too well, but the challenge to re-create it's fatigue was a great opportunity.

Of personal note- #4121 was the subject of my first "railfanning" shots, in earnest.  It was the Ottawa Walkley Rd. yard switcher for years.


  1. Very nice work indeed!


  2. can we say anymore? all is missing is the grease on my hand as i glimb up the stairs and get into the locomotive, ohhhh WAIT!! it's a model!!

    fooled ME!

  3. Wow stumbled across this page. Efram your work is astounding. I know i have said it before.. It's true bro.. You have inspired me to try new ventures in the hobby .. and the pictures with the layout on the blog magical.. Makes me love having it even more
